.co Domain Names
Get the .co domain you always wanted
What better way to .communicate your new .company or .community group, than with a globally recognised and credible domain name?
.co is suitable for any country, language or purpose, and gives you a great chance to register the short, memorable, global domain name you always wanted.

Why register a .co domain?
.co is actually the country-level domain for Columbia, but was re-launched in 2010 with a more universal appeal. It quickly became one of the fastest growing global domain names in recent history, clocking up over 1 million registrations in 200 countries so far.
.co stands for:
- COmmunity
- COmpany
- COrporate
- COntent
- COoperation
- COmmunication
Whether you're a blogger, small business, entrepreneur or global corporate, .co can support your future online.
Google approves .co
Google has allowed geotargeting of .co within Webmaster Tools, giving you the option to target your website content to the countries you operate in.
This puts .co alongside other gTLDs (generic Top Level Domains) like .com, .net and .org.
Google has even adopted .co, with g.co as a shortcut to their products!
What will you do with your .co?
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