.uk Domain Names

Short. Smart. Snappy.

The newest British domain extension .uk is a great choice for anybody in the UK or anybody looking to target the UK market. It's short and easy to remember and is perfect for new projects and established online businesses, and as Nominet, the .uk registry says, 'Shorter is Sweeter'.

With a .uk domain, you get a simpler web address – and don't forget all our domain names come with a free website, free email and more – just think of all the possibilities!


Why register a .uk domain?

  • .uk gets straight to the point
  • .uk is easier to remember and type than co.uk
  • .uk puts more focus on your website name, not the extension
  • .uk has greater international appeal
  • .uk is a trusted, versatile domain

What could you do with a .uk right now?

If you’re not quite ready to move your website wholly from your .co.uk domain to .uk, you could use your .uk domain for a specific marketing campaign.

We launched a marketing campaign for the .uk domain itself and created a simple landing page using names.uk as the web address. Link to your new landing page via social media, Google AdWords, blog posts and wherever else you want to shout about it. And don't forget, all domain names registered with us include a free one page website!

Protect your brand with .uk

Securing the equivalent .uk to your current .co.uk helps to protect your brand and doesn’t let competition or cybersquatters get hold of your important domain. Why not do a quick domain search to check if your matching .uk is still available?

Be .uk ready

You can also simply forward your .uk domain to your .co.uk website and keep a watchful eye over UK domain developments. When UK businesses and brands do start to adopt .uk as the country’s main suffix, you will be ready to make the move with them, instead of lagging behind.

Who can register a .uk domain?

Anybody can register a .uk domain, there are no restrictions.

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