.co.uk Domain Names

A great place to be

Nothing says 'British' more than a .uk domain name! The .uk umbrella of domain names includes the direct .uk, .co.uk, .me.uk, .org.uk and more; and what's great about all of them is that they instantly highlight a UK website, giving greater value and focus to a UK audience.


Why choose a co.uk domain name?

81% of UK Internet users would be more likely to choose a .uk website from search results (source: Nominet.co.uk), indicating a greater trust in getting a better experience from a UK business.

What .co.uk can say about your business:

  • A UK business or identity
  • Someone local you can trust
  • Prices in £ sterling
  • Acceptable delivery costs
  • Most likely to have UK based support

A .co.uk website will also have good visibility in UK search engine results, so that's more free traffic to your website.

Register or Renew your .uk domain name for up to 10 years!

  • Relax and take the hassle out of renewals
  • Secure your valuable domain names for longer
  • Keep your email, website, customers and revenue in place

More great .uk domains

The direct .uk domain

  • .uk gets straight to the point
  • .uk is easier to remember and write than a co.uk
  • .uk puts more focus on your website name, not the extension
  • .uk has a greater international appeal
  • .uk is a trusted, versatile domain

If you have a .co.uk domain, you can help protect your brand by registering the matching .uk domain - find out more.

What .me.uk can do for you

  • Says you have a UK identity
  • Feels very personal
  • Gives you a voice online

Great for setting up a blog for a UK audience, .me.uk gives you your own personal space on the Web. You could also bring all your social feeds into one place, show off your work in a portfolio, and use it as a personalised email address.

Please note that only individuals can register a .me.uk

Why register a .org.uk domain

  • Show you're a local UK organisation
  • Encourages trust in your website
  • Give a voice to your ideas

The .org.uk domain is the perfect non-commercial choice for UK charities, community groups, professional institutions, public service, not-for-profit and voluntary organisations. With no restrictions, .org is open to anyone.

Other .uk extensions available for registration:

If you wish to register domain names in any of the below .uk extensions, please call our Domain Specialists on 0345 653 9652.

.ltd.uk Restricted to UK Private limited companies

.net.uk Restricted to UK Internet Service Providers' infrastructure

.plc.uk Restricted to UK Public limited companies

‡ Please note, for EU customers VAT rates payable will be subject to your country of residence. Standard terms & conditions apply.